Source code for slsim.lensed_system_base

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import numpy as np
from slsim.Sources.source import Source

[docs] class LensedSystemBase(ABC): """Abstract Base class to create a lens system with all lensing properties required to render populations.""" def __init__( self, source_dict, deflector_dict, cosmo, test_area=4 * np.pi, variability_model=None, kwargs_variability=None, ): """ :param source_dict: source properties :type source_dict: dict :param deflector_dict: deflector properties :type deflector_dict: dict :param variability_model: keyword for variability model to be used. This is an input for the Variability class. :type variability_model: str :param kwargs_variability: keyword arguments for the variability of a source. This is associated with an input for Variability class. :param cosmo: astropy.cosmology instance :param test_area: area (arc-sec^2) around lensing galaxy to be investigated """ # self._source_dict = source_dict self.source = Source(source_dict, variability_model, kwargs_variability) self._deflector_dict = deflector_dict # TODO: tell them what keys the dictionary should contain self.test_area = test_area self.cosmo = cosmo
[docs] @abstractmethod def deflector_position(self): """Center of the deflector position. :return: [x_pox, y_pos] in arc seconds """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def source_position(self): """Source position, either the center of the extended source or the point source. If not present from the cataloge, it is drawn uniform within the circle of the test area centered on the lens. :return: [x_pos, y_pos] in arc seconds """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def image_positions(self): """Returns image positions by solving the lens equation, these are either the centers of the extended source, or the point sources in case of (added) point- like sources, such as quasars or SNe. :return: x-pos, y-pos """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def deflector_redshift(self): """Deflector redshift. :return: deflector redshift """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def source_redshift(self): """Source redshift. :return: source redshift """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def einstein_radius(self): """Einstein radius. :return: Einstein radius [arc seconds] """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def deflector_ellipticity(self): """Ellipticity components for deflector light and mass profile. :return: e1_light, e2_light, e1_mass, e2_mass """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def deflector_velocity_dispersion(self): """ :return: velocity dispersion [km/s] """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def los_linear_distortions(self): """Line-of-sight distortions in shear and convergence. :return: kappa, gamma1, gamma2 """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def deflector_magnitude(self, band): """Apparent magnitude of the deflector for a given band (AB mag) :param band: imaging band :type band: string :return: magnitude of deflector in given band """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def point_source_magnitude(self, band, lensed=False): """Point source magnitude, either unlensed (single value) or lensed (array) with macro-model magnifications. :param band: imaging band :type band: string :param lensed: if True, returns the lensed magnified magnitude :type lensed: bool :return: point source magnitude """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def extended_source_magnitude(self, band, lensed=False): """Apparent magnitude of the extended source for a given band (lensed or unlensed) (assumes that size is the same for different bands) :param band: imaging band :type band: string :param lensed: if True, returns the lensed magnified magnitude :type lensed: bool :return: magnitude of source in given band """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def point_source_magnification(self): """Macro-model magnification of point sources. :return: signed magnification of point sources in same order as image positions """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def extended_source_magnification(self): """Extended source (or host) magnification. :return: integrated magnification factor of host magnitude """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def deflector_mass_model_lenstronomy(self): """Returns lens mass model instance and parameters in lenstronomy conventions. :return: lens_mass_model_list, kwargs_lens_mass """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def deflector_light_model_lenstronomy(self): """Returns lens model instance and parameters in lenstronomy conventions. :return: lens_light_model_list, kwargs_lens_light """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def source_light_model_lenstronomy(self): """Returns source light model instance and parameters in lenstronomy conventions. :return: source_light_model_list, kwargs_source_light """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def lenstronomy_kwargs(self, band=None): """ :param band: imaging band, if =None, will result in un-normalized amplitudes :type band: string or None :return: lenstronomy model and parameter conventions """ pass